Saturday, 22 October 2016


The secret to super productive gardening is taking the time now to plan the strategies that are planned according to your garden. Here are some high-yield strategies gleaned from gardeners who have learned to make the most of their garden space.

Expert gardeners agree that building up the soil is the single most important factor in hiking the yields. A deep, rich soil encourages the growth of healthy, extensive roots that are able to reach more nutrients and water. The result: extra-lush, extra-productive growth above ground.

The fastest way to get a deep layer of fertile soil is to make raised beds. Raised beds yield up to four times more than the same amount of space planted in rows. Plants grow close enough together to shade out competing weeds so you spend less time weeding. The close spacing also makes watering and harvesting more efficient.

·        Interplanting compatible crops saves space, too. Consider corn, beans, and squash. Sturdy cornstalks support the pole beans, while squash grows freely on the ground below, shading out competing weeds. This combination works because the crops are compatible. Other compatible combinations include tomatoes, basil, and onions; leaf lettuce and peas or brassicas; carrots, onions, and radishes; and beets and celery. 
   Plant cherry or grape or tomatoes, and you'll get lots of tomatoes in compact clusters. They'll do well in the ground or in containers, so plant them in any accessible sunny spot.

·       It only takes about 45 days for radishes to reach harvest size, so that's another spot in your garden that you can replant.

·          In addition to growing what you eat, try growing tasty beverages also. 
·        Aim to harvest in the morning, which is when plants are filled with nutrients and moisture. 

·        Saving at least some of your own seeds will definitely mean spending less money on your garden each year, plus you’ll enjoy the convenience of always having a ready supply of plantable seeds. 

·        You need to buy high-quality organic compost, but make a habit of piling together pulled plants, leaves, tattered mulches and other organic materials to create rich compost for free.

    Growing types that store for a long time, such as butternut squash and shallots, will allow you to eat fresh food from your own garden all winter. 

Friday, 14 October 2016


October means plenty of work is still there to be done which includes a lot of lifting and clearing of summer flowering items, moreover, many flower and vegetable varieties can be sown at this time too. Here are some general tips which would help in reviving your garden in this autumn season.

·       Cut the perennials that have died down.
·       Collect seeds from the garden to sow next year.
·       Continue mowing lawns until the growth of grass stops.
·       Care for the lawn by brushing leaves off the grass.Collect them in a leaf bag, which will turn them into useful leaf mould.
·       Add autumn fertilizer to established lawns.
·       Renovate old lawns or create new grass areas

  •  Seeding should be finished by early October.
  •  Plant tulips now.
  • Plant spring bedding and biennials, such as wall-flowers, for spring displays.
  • Pots and hanging baskets can be planted with spring bedding, along with bulbs, grasses, and cyclamen for a colorful display.
  • Plant up winter hanging baskets and containers using myosotis, dwarf wallflowers, and spring flowering bulbs.

  • Plant out spring cabbages
  • Harvest apples, pears, grapes and nuts
  • Continue watering, especially evergreens if soils are dry.
  • Transplant deciduous trees once they have dropped their leaves.
  • Place wire guards around trunks of young fruit trees for protection against mice
  • Lift and store root crops such as carrots, beetroot, and potatoes.

Regularly check for insects, or disease damage throughout the garden and take the necessary steps to control the problems.

Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Gardening: Bees, Wasps and You

Gardening: Bees, Wasps and You
If you are a gardener then you must know the trouble for this time of the year. It is the time for the two of the biggest enemies for gardeners enjoying their beautiful garden, the evil Bees, and the wicked Wasps. During this time of the year, these two trouble makers are the biggest headaches for anyone indulged in gardening or simply enjoying the gardens. But things get a bit complicated with them. A little negligence might call for a painful and poisonous sting. So here are some methods to handle the bees and wasps avoiding being stung by them.
·         Weeds and Overgrown grass: First things first, remove the overgrown grass and weeds. These weedy areas are perfect for the bees and wasps to make their nests. Removing them will not only discourage their numbers but will also help you to handle your garden better.
·         Choice of Clothes while in Garden: You need to be more cautious about your clothing. Loose clothing or bright colorful dresses may make you more vulnerable to these guys. Try to choose clothes with white or khaki color to come out in the garden
·         Avoid Sharp Smells: Wearing cologne or sharp smelling shampoos in hair might attract them more and cause you more trouble.

Winter is around the corner and insects like bees are really desperate to find more and more nectar to survive the winter hibernation. Thus, making peace with them is the best option for both the parties. For more suggestions and help in gardening, keep following us.