In the present tough economy, everyone is looking for ways to cut expenditures. Planting a garden has the quality to reduce the amount of cash spent on groceries. But this quality depends on the expenses involved in growing the crops, amounts, and types of vegetables grown, harvests that are derived from the garden, and other such factors. So, the solution to the above question is yes, if done correctly.
Some tips on how to save while gardening:
· Buy small quantities - You need only 3 Brandywine tomato plants, not half an ounce of seed.
· Settle on little good mail-order sources - The variety offered by mail-order catalogs is encouraging but do not pay extra for shipping because you order from 6 companies every spring.
· Use local sources for the heavy stuff - The price of shipping heavy items can exceed the cost price. An organic fertilizer like bone meal, composted animal manure, and green sand, are costly to ship. Make the calculation before you order.
· Search out alternative retail sources - Your house and garden center may not offer the best value for your money. A bale of straw at a farm store is priced as livestock bedding while a bale of straw at a nursery is called mulch and priced accordingly.
· Be on the search for free garden materials - Limbs cleaned away from power lines are shaved, and you often get the mulch free from the utility company. Some community sanitation departments also provide compost made from organic waste and leaves.
Therefore planting your own vegetables can be rewarding, regardless of the potential savings you make.
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